Decision 2863E – United Teachers Los Angeles


Decision Date: June 14, 2023

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description: Charging Party Erick Gonzalez appealed the dismissal of his amended unfair practice charge alleging that United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) breached its duty of fair representation under the Educational Employment Relations Act by advising that he resign and refusing to appeal to arbitration a Notice of Unsatisfactory Act and Notice of Suspension that Gonzalez’s employer, the Los Angeles Unified School District, issued to him. PERB’s Office of the General Counsel dismissed the charge, concluding that Gonzalez failed to assert how UTLA’s decisions were arbitrary, discriminatory, or in made in bad faith.

Disposition: The Board affirmed OGC’s dismissal.

Perc Vol: 48
Perc Index: 13

Decision Headnotes

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