UNION UNFAIR PRACTICES;RESTRAINT, COERCION, INTERFERENCE OR DISCRIMINATION – Union Rules and Discipline in General; Union Dues and Fees; Fines, Assessments, Etc.

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801.04000 – Union Rules and Discipline in General; Union Dues and Fees; Fines, Assessments, Etc.

District challenged the legality of a union threatening to fine its members for failing to honor a picket line or call to strike. Under the NLRA, a union is free to enforce a properly adopted rule which reflects a legitimate business interest, impairs no policy Congress has imbedded in the labor laws, and is reasonably enforced against union members who are free to leave a union and escape the rule. Applying these criteria, the NLRB has held that a union did not violate the NLRA by threatening to fine members who failed to engage in a sympathy strike if the strike did not violate the union’s collective bargaining agreement with the employer.