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1303.04000 – Blocking Charge

On appeal of a decision of regional director to dissolve a stay order and proceed to a decertification election based on his determination after investigation that the pending unfair practice charge against the employer would not so affect the election process as to prevent the employees from freely selecting their exclusive representative, proper inquiry by Board is whether the discretion delegated to the regional director by the Board has been abused; finding of abuse of discretion would be appropriate if regional director failed to conduct a satisfactory investigation or if determination made by regional director was contrary to the facts; pp. 9-12. Absent other evidence of bad faith, when the parties have reached agreement on many items, including some of the items raised in a pending unfair practice charge alleging failure to negotiate in good faith, charge based on negotiability is akin to a technical refusal to pending unfair practice charge alleging failure to negotiate in good faith, charge based on negotiability is akin to a technical refusal to Passage of time can dissipate the influence an employer's unlawful conduct has on a decertification election; p. 15.