All notes for Subtopic 1000.02017 – Case Load

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
1291S State of California (Department of Motor Vehicles)
1000.02017: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Case Load
Performance standards "suggest rewards for attaining, and discipline for failure to attain, such standards." Accordingly, they are related to wages and, therefore, negotiable; p. 8, proposed dec. Memoradum expressing management's "expectations" implicitly notified employees that failure to attain expectations would result in discipline. Thus, "expectations" constituted performance standards; p. 10, proposed dec. more or view all topics or full text.
0373Eb Mt. Diablo Unified School District * * * OVERRULED IN PART by The Accelerated Schools (2023) PERB Decision No. 2855 * * *
1000.02017: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Case Load
As counselor caseload negotiable, employer violated its duty to negotiate in good faith when it unilaterally increased the caseload of counselors; p. 24. more or view all topics or full text.
0279E Rio Hondo Community College District
1000.02017: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Case Load
District's increase in Cooperative Work Experience instructor caseload constituted an unlawful unilateral change of existing policy; p. 16. more or view all topics or full text.
0053E Fullerton Union High School District
1000.02017: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Case Load
Counselors and psychologists' case loads negotiable, essentially identical to class size, and enumerated subject. more or view all topics or full text.