All notes for Subtopic 1000.02078 – Length of Instructional Day

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
1639E Salinas Union High School District * * * OVERRULED by Trustees of California State University (2012) PERB Decision No. 2287-H
1000.02078: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Length of Instructional Day
* * * OVERRULED IN PART by Trustees of California State University (2012) PERB Decision No. 2287-H, where the Board held that a demand to bargain only needs to identify potential prospective effects, not actual effects. * * *The District’s requirement to provide instruction during the enrichment period for the first time does not involve performance of new duties but rather an alleged increase in instructional time. Changes in the length of an instructional day are a management prerogative except when such changes impact the length of the employees’ workday or duty-free time. The burden is on the charging party to show such impact. The Federation did not state facts demonstrating an impact on the length of the employees’ workday or duty-free time. more or view all topics or full text.
0582E Oak Grove School District
1000.02078: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Length of Instructional Day
Unlawful unilateral change in work time, prep time etc. where employer failed to negotiate effects before implementing increased hours. more or view all topics or full text.
0566E Modesto City and High School Districts
1000.02078: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Length of Instructional Day
Unilateral decision to 10 minute increase in instructional day is a violation. more or view all topics or full text.
0565E Victor Valley Union High School District
1000.02078: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Length of Instructional Day
Unilateral change in number of hours per day - increase of 10 minutes instructional time/reduction of 10 minutes preparation time. more or view all topics or full text.
0175E Sutter Union High School District
1000.02078: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Length of Instructional Day
A change from five-period teaching day to a six-period teaching day affected hours, a matter within the scope of representation. The change caused teachers to have more students which lengthened the work hours needed to prepare, write exams and grade papers. more or view all topics or full text.