All notes for Subtopic 1000.02100 – Past Practices

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
2701I Region 2 Court Interpreter Employment Relations Committee
1000.02100: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Past Practices
A unilateral change in an established past practice may constitute unlawful action. A binding past practice is one which is unequivocal, clearly enunciated and acted upon, and readily ascertainable over a reasonable period of time as a fixed and established practice accepted by both parties, or which is regular and consistent or historic and accepted. (p. 55.) more or view all topics or full text.
2288M City of Pinole
1000.02100: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Past Practices
Charge failed to allege facts establishing change in policy of allowing employees to attend city council meetings while on duty, concerned a matter within the scope of representation. No facts alleged that on-duty attendance at such meetings related in any way to the job duties or working conditions of firefighters. more or view all topics or full text.
0375E Healdsburg Union High School District and Healdsburg Union School District/San Mateo City School District
1000.02100: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Past Practices
Working conditions are negotiable; p. 81. more or view all topics or full text.