All notes for Subtopic 1000.02113 – Reclassification of Positions

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
0499E Los Rios Community College District
1000.02113: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Reclassification of Positions
Procedures followed by reclassification review board negotiable; no unilateral change - voting procedures consistent with parties' agreement. more or view all topics or full text.
0375E Healdsburg Union High School District and Healdsburg Union School District/San Mateo City School District
1000.02113: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Reclassification of Positions
Proposal to place each position in class is negotiable as it reinterates requirement of Education Code section 45103. Decision to create new classification plan to perform function not previously performed or to abolish a classification and cease engaging in activity previously performed is managerial prerogative, but effects on matters within scope and aspects of plan which transfer existing functions and duties from one classification to another are negotiable; p. 47, 52. more or view all topics or full text.
0353H Regents of the University of California
1000.02113: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Reclassification of Positions
Reclassification of gardeners and of food service workers and elimination of pay differentials in scope. more or view all topics or full text.
0334E Mt. San Antonio Community College District
1000.02113: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Reclassification of Positions
Reclassification of position is negotiable. Where reorganization plan creates new position to perform duties previously performed by bargaining unit employees, is negotiable. more or view all topics or full text.
0322E Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
1000.02113: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Reclassification of Positions
Decision to create new classification to perform a function not previously performed, or to abolish a classification and cease engaging in the activity previously performed by employees in that classification need not be negotiated - but effects of its decision which fall within scope are negotiable. Citing Solano CO CCD (1982) PERB Dec. No. 219, and South Bay UnESD (1982) PERB Dec. No. 207. more or view all topics or full text.