All notes for Subtopic 1100.09000 – Blocking Charges

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
A511E St. HOPE Public Schools
1100.09000: CASE PROCESSING PROCEDURES; CHARGE; Blocking Charges
PERB Regulation 32752 provides, in pertinent part: “The Board may stay an election pending the resolution of an unfair practice charge relating to the voting unit upon an investigation and a finding that alleged unlawful conduct would so affect the election process as to prevent the employees from exercising free choice.” The purpose of this regulation is to help PERB insulate elections from unfair practices that may influence the outcome. (Gompers Preparatory Academy (2020) PERB Order No. Ad-481, p. 3; Imagine Schools at Imperial Valley (2016) PERB Order No. Ad-431, p. 9.) (pp. 7-8.) more or view all topics or full text.
A511E St. HOPE Public Schools
1100.09000: CASE PROCESSING PROCEDURES; CHARGE; Blocking Charges
PERB’s Office of the General Council stayed a decertification petition based on three unfair practice charges filed by the incumbent union, each alleging conduct tending to influence employee free choice. PERB refers to such charges as “blocking charges,” meaning they allege conduct likely to affect employee free choice and therefore allow the charging party to request that PERB stay representation processes pending unfair practice proceedings. (p. 2 & fn. 1.) more or view all topics or full text.