All subtopics for 1000.00000 – SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION

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1000.01000 – In General; Test for Subjects Not Specifically Enumerated

1000.02000 – NULL

1000.02002 – Access – Subject of Bargaining

1000.02003 – Achievement Awards

1000.02004 – Adjunct Duties

1000.02005 – Advisory Committees

1000.02006 – Affirmative Action

1000.02007 – Agency Fee; Amount

1000.02008 – Annuity Account

1000.02009 – Arbitration

1000.02010 – Assignment of Counselors to Teaching

1000.02011 – Automobile Insurance

1000.02012 – Budget Proposals

1000.02013 – Bulletin Boards

1000.02014 – Bumping Rights

1000.02015 – Bus Route Bidding Procedure

1000.02016 – Calendar

1000.02017 – Case Load

1000.02018 – Class Size

1000.02019 – Classification of Employees

1000.02020 – Classroom Privacy

1000.02021 – Classroom Size

1000.02022 – Classroom Safety

1000.02023 – Confidential Files

1000.02024 – Consultation

1000.02025 – Counseling (For Employees)

1000.02026 – Contracting Out

1000.02027 – Deferral of Fringe Benefit Payments

1000.02028 – Dental Insurance

1000.02029 – Disciplinary Action

1000.02030 – Disciplinary Procedures

1000.02031 – Discrimination (Race, National Origin, Sex, Etc.)

1000.02032 – Discrimination (Union Activity)

1000.02033 – Dismissal

1000.02034 – Distribution of Contract

1000.02035 – District Merger, Unification, Reorganization, Etc.

1000.02036 – Driving Hours

1000.02037 – Dues Deductions/Organizational Security

1000.02038 – Early Retirement

1000.02039 – Educational Policies

1000.02040 – Elimination of Positions

1000.02041 – Employee Expenses-Employee Assistance Program

1000.02042 – Employee Organization Business

1000.02043 – Employee Property

1000.02045 – Evaluations

1000.02046 – Examination of Personnel Files

1000.02047 – Exclusive Representative

1000.02048 – Extra Duties

1000.02049 – Extra Duty Stipends

1000.02050 – Equipment (Union Use of Employer Equipment)

1000.02051 – Facilities/Equipment (Union Use of Employer Facilities/Equipment)

1000.02052 – Financial Aid to Employee Organization

1000.02053 – Financial Proposals

1000.02054 – Flexible Scheduling of Students

1000.02055 – Fringe Benefit Contributions

1000.02056 – Grant Applications

1000.02057 – Grievance Procedure

1000.02058 – Ground Rules for Negotiations

1000.02059 – Health Plans

1000.02060 – Hiring

1000.02061 – Hold Harmless Clause

1000.02062 – Holidays

1000.02063 – Home Teachers

1000.02064 – Hours of Work

1000.02065 – Incumbents’ Rights

1000.02066 – Information

1000.02067 – In-Service Training – Hours of Work

1000.02068 – Instructional Time

1000.02069 – Job Assignment

1000.02070 – Job Descriptions

1000.02071 – Job Duties

1000.02072 – Job – Information Distribution

1000.02073 – Job Representatives (Stewards)

1000.02074 – Job Specifications

1000.02075 – Job Title

1000.02076 – Lay-Offs

1000.02077 – Leaves

1000.02078 – Length of Instructional Day

1000.02079 – Length of School Day

1000.02080 – Length of Work Day

1000.02081 – Lesson Plans

1000.02082 – Lump Sum Payment

1000.02083 – Lunch Periods or Duties

1000.02084 – Mail System

1000.02085 – Management Rights

1000.02086 – Merit Pay

1000.02087 – Merit System

1000.02088 – Mileage Reimbursement

1000.02089 – Minimum Days

1000.02090 – Negotiations, Arrangements, and Procedures

1000.02091 – New Positions

1000.02092 – Non-discrimination

1000.02093 – No-Strike Clause

1000.02094 – Orientation

1000.02095 – Overtime Pay

1000.02096 – Parity Clause

1000.02097 – Parking Fees

1000.02098 – Partnership Teaching

1000.02099 – Part Time Employees

1000.02100 – Past Practices

1000.02101 – Payday Schedules

1000.02102 – Payroll Deductions

1000.02103 – Personal Vehicles

1000.02104 – Personnel Commission Recommendations

1000.02105 – Personnel Files/Employee Records

1000.02106 – Political Opinions/Affiliations

1000.02107 – Preparation Time

1000.02108 – Professional Dues

1000.02109 – Promotions

1000.02110 – Psychologist Workloads

1000.02111 – Public Charges/Complaints

1000.02112 – Reassignments

1000.02113 – Reclassification of Positions

1000.02114 – Reduced Workload

1000.02115 – Reduction in Hours/Workday/Worktime/Workyear

1000.02116 – Re-employment Rights

1000.02117 – Released Time

1000.02118 – Resignations

1000.02119 – Rest Periods

1000.02120 – Restricted Employees

1000.02121 – Retirement

1000.02122 – Rules of Conduct

1000.02123 – Sabbatical Leave

1000.02124 – Safety of Employees

1000.02125 – Salaries or Wages

1000.02126 – Salary Placement

1000.02127 – Schedules

1000.02128 – Seniority

1000.02129 – Service Fee Elections

1000.02130 – Severance Pay

1000.02131 – Shift Assignments

1000.02132 – Sick Leave

1000.02133 – Sign-in/Sign-out Policy

1000.02134 – Staffing Practice

1000.02135 – Stewards

1000.02136 – Student Employees

1000.02137 – Subcontracting

1000.02138 – Substitute Employees

1000.02139 – Summer School

1000.02140 – Summer School Wage Arrangements

1000.02141 – Supplies (Teaching)

1000.02142 – Time Clocks

1000.02143 – Timing of Salary Payments

1000.02144 – Tools

1000.02145 – Training

1000.02146 – Transfer of Employee(s)

1000.02147 – Transfer of Work Out of Unit

1000.02148 – Trip Assignments

1000.02149 – Uniform Cleaning and Maintenance

1000.02150 – Use of State Vehicle

1000.02151 – Use of District Facilities, Equipment

1000.02152 – Vacations

1000.02153 – Vehicle Unavailability

1000.02154 – Vision Care Insurance

1000.02155 – Wages for Newly Created Position

1000.02156 – Workdays/Workyear

1000.02157 – Working Day/Work Time

1000.02158 – Working Conditions

1000.02159 – Workloads

1000.02160 – Work Preservation Clauses

1000.02161 – Yard Duty

1000.02162 – Temporary/Short-term Employees

1000.02163 – Work Rules

1000.02164 – Other

1000.02165 – Statutory Rights

1000.02166 – Demotions

1000.02167 – Exclusive Representative’s Right to File Grievances

1000.02168 – Staff Development

1000.02169 – Unit Configuration

1000.02170 – Mentor Teachers

1000.02171 – Probationary Employees

1000.02172 – Work-from-Home/Telework