Decision 1642H – Trustees of the California State University


Decision Date: June 15, 2004

Decision Type: PERB Decision

Description:  APC alleged that the University unilaterally implemented Employee Assistance programs at two campuses.

Disposition:  Board found charge untimely as to one campus and that at the other campus the Employee Assistance Program is outside the scope of representation when there is no direct impact on wages and hours, it is voluntary and not held during school hours.

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Perc Vol: 28
Perc Index: 178

Decision Headnotes

1000.02041 – Employee Expenses-Employee Assistance Program

Board dismissed charge alleging unilateral change in provision of employee assistance program (EAP) as EAP is outside the scope of representation when there is no direct impact on wages and hours, it is voluntary and not held during school hours.