Decision 2496M – City of Pinole


Decision Date: July 26, 2016

Decision Type: PERB Decision

Description:  The ALJ concluded that the City violated the MMBA by unilaterally closing one of its fire stations, but that the City did not violate the MMBA by unilaterally imposing a last, best and final offer requiring unit members to pay an increased pension contribution.  Both parties filed exceptions.

Disposition:  After exceptions were filed, the parties settled their dispute and requested withdrawal.  The Board granted the request and dismissed the unfair practice complaint and underlying charge with prejudice.

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Perc Vol: 41
Perc Index: 38

Decision Headnotes

1107.15000 – Withdrawal of Appeal; Request that Decision be Vacated

Based on review of the parties’ request pursuant to their settlement agreement and the entire record in this case, the Board finds it in the best interest of the parties and consistent with the purposes of the MMBA to promote harmonious labor relations to dismiss with prejudice the complaint and underlying unfair practice charge and consider the exceptions to the proposed decision withdrawn.