Decision 2709E – Jurupa Unified School District


Decision Date: April 17, 2020

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description:  The Anonymous Know Nothings (AKN) filed the underlying unfair practice charge against the Jurupa Unified School District (District). AKN describes itself as an anonymous citizens group and as a competitor to the union that exclusively represents the District’s certificated employees, the National Education Association-Jurupa/California Teachers Association (NEA-J/CTA).  AKN alleged that the District violated EERA by failing to provide it with the e-mail addresses of employees in the certificated bargaining unit.  AKN also made a variety of conclusory allegations regarding alleged collusion, domination, and interference by the District with NEA-J/CTA.  PERB’s Office of the General Counsel dismissed the charge, finding that even assuming AKN had sufficiently alleged that it was an employee organization within the meaning of EERA, it did not allege facts sufficient to state a prima facie case.  AKN appealed the dismissal.

Disposition:  In a non-precedential decision, the Board affirmed the dismissal, agreeing that AKN’s charge did not allege facts stating a prima facie case that the District violated EERA.

Perc Vol: 44
Perc Index: 165

Decision Headnotes

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