Decision 2774E – Service Employees International Union Local 1021, City College Chapter (Escalante)


Decision Date: June 29, 2021

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description:  Carolyn Escalante alleged that Service Employees International Union Local 1021, City College Chapter, violated the Educational Employment Relations Act by breaching its duty of fair representation when it: (1) failed to assist Escalante with pursuing a salary step increase and a desk audit from Escalante’s employer, San Francisco Community College District; (2) ignored her request for representation during a disciplinary meeting in November 2017; (3) failed to properly process an internal union grievance; and (4) deducted union dues from her pay under threat of termination of employment. The Office of General Counsel dismissed the amended charge for failing to state a prima facie case, and Escalante timely appealed.

Disposition:  In a nonprecedential decision, the Board affirmed the dismissal of the duty of fair representation allegation.

Perc Vol: 46
Perc Index: 12

Decision Headnotes

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