Decision 2862M – City of California City


Decision Date: June 14, 2023

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description: The California City Miscellaneous Employees Association appealed the partial dismissal of its unfair practice charge by PERB’s Office of the General Counsel (OGC). The charge, as amended, alleges that the City of California City violated the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) by failing to process, respond to, or acknowledge certain grievances, government claims and public records requests. OGC issued a complaint alleging that the City unilaterally changed the grievance procedure, failed to respond to multiple requests for information, and relatedly interfered with employee and Association protected rights, but dismissed the allegations that the City violated the MMBA by failing to respond to certain government claims, violating section 3505.3, or discriminating against Association‑represented employees, finding that the Association had not stated a prima facie case of those allegations. The Association timely appealed OGC’s partial dismissal of only the discrimination allegation.

Disposition: The Board affirmed OGC’s dismissal of the discrimination allegation for failure to state a prima facie case.

Perc Vol: 48
Perc Index: 12

Decision Headnotes

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