Decision 2882M – City of Santa Ana

LA-CE-1563-M & LA-CE-1620-M

Decision Date: November 9, 2023

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description:  Case No. LA-CE-1563-M came before the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB or Board) on the City of Santa Ana’s exceptions and Santa Ana Police Officers Association’s cross-exceptions to the proposed decision of an administrative law judge (ALJ). Case No. LA-CE-1620-M came before PERB on the City’s exceptions to a separate proposed decision of the same ALJ. While these cases were pending before the Board, the parties executed a settlement agreement that resolved the disputes underlying the unfair practice charges along with several matters pending before other PERB divisions. Accordingly, the Association requested to withdraw the unfair practice charges with prejudice. The City did not oppose this request. Further, the parties jointly requested to withdraw their pending exceptions.

Disposition:  The Board granted the Association’s unopposed request to withdraw the unfair practice charges with prejudice, and the parties’ joint request to withdraw their pending exceptions.

Perc Vol: 48
Perc Index: 82

Decision Headnotes

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