Decision 2907E – United Teachers Los Angeles (Lukens)

LA-CO-1858-E & LA-CO-1865-E

Decision Date: July 2, 2024

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description:  On separate unfair practice charges, two Board agents from PERB’s Office of the General Counsel (OGC) dismissed charges in which Charging Party alleged that United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) violated the right to fair representation established by the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA). In both cases, OGC determined that Charging Party failed to establish a prima facie case and, and, in part, that the charges concerned actions taken outside the six-month statute of limitations period. Charging Party appealed the dismissals.

Disposition:  In a consolidated decision, the Board affirmed both dismissals after reviewing the entire record, including Charging Party’s appeals. The Board determined that the record supported dismissal because Charging Party failed to state a prima facie case, and because a portion of the charges were untimely.

Decision Headnotes

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