Decision A515H – Regents of the University of California (San Francisco)


Decision Date: June 12, 2024

Decision Type: Administrative Appeal (Non-Precedential)

Description:  Charging Party appealed the decision by Chief Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to reassign himself as the ALJ for the underlying unfair practice charge. In the decision, the Chief ALJ analyzed Charging Party’s opposition to his reassignment under PERB’s recusal regulations and determined there was no evidence warranting recusal. In his appeal, Charging Party alleges, in part, that (1) he was not required to present evidence supporting his objection to reassignment and (2) the Chief ALJ’s decision demonstrates bias and prejudgment, requiring recusal.

Disposition:  The Board granted Charging Party special permission to appeal the Chief ALJ’s decision not to recuse himself in Case No. SF-CE-1221-H. After consideration of Charging Party’s appeal, the Board denied Charging Party’s request that the Chief ALJ be recused.

Decision Headnotes

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