Decision A517E – Los Angeles Unified School District


Decision Date: June 25, 2024

Decision Type: Administrative Appeal (Non-Precedential)

Description:  Charging Party appealed an administrative determination issued by PERB’s Office of the General Counsel (OGC). After a hearing and compliance proceedings, OGC dismissed Charging Party’s request for legal expenses and determined that the District had complied with PERB’s compliance order. Charging Party timely appealed to the Board.

Disposition:  The Board denied the appeal, finding Charging Party’s assertion that the District must pay her legal expenses and other costs unfounded for two reasons. First, the ALJ did not award legal expenses and fees as part of the proposed decision, and charging party did not file exceptions to the proposed decision. Therefore, she waived any arguments related to legal expenses. Second, even if charging party had filed an exception seeking legal expenses, she was not entitled to those expenses as part of the make whole remedy.

Decision Headnotes

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