Decision A296S – State of California (State Teachers Retirement System) (Ramirez)

SA-CE-890-S; SA-CE-920-S

Decision Date: July 22, 1999

Decision Type: Administrative Appeal

Description: The Board denied the charging party’s request that the Board accepted her late- filed exceptions, because good cause had not been shown.

Disposition: Denied. Neither of the reasons offered to excuse the late filing meets the good cause standard.

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Perc Vol: 23
Perc Index: 30137

Decision Headnotes

1107.01000 – Exceptions; Responses to Exceptions; Standing; Extensions of Time/Late Filing/Waiver

PERB Regulation 32136 provides that a late filing may be excused in the discretion of the Board for good cause only. Good cause does not exist. The appeals assistant denied charging party's third request for extension of time and informed charging party's attorney that the final due date, seven days later, would not be changed. The excuses offered were that (1) the attorney was ill and unable to come to the office several days prior to the deadline; and (2) the attorney's office had unspecified computer problems and the exceptions were filed three days late.

1503.03000 – Regulations Considered (By Number) (Continued)

PERB Regulation 32136 provides that a late filing may be excused in the discretion of the Board for good cause only. Good cause does not exist. The appeals assistant denied charging party's third request for extension of time and informed charging party's attorney that the final due date, seven days later, would not be changed. The excuses offered were that (1) the attorney was ill and unable to come to the office several days prior to the deadline; and (2) the attorney's office had unspecified computer problems and the exceptions were filed three days late.