Decision A442E – Los Rios Community College District


Decision Date: October 26, 2016

Decision Type: Administrative Appeal

Description:  Charging party appealed the Office of the General Counsel’s dismissal of its unit modification petition seeking to divide the existing Maintenance/ Operations and Campus Police Officers Unit and create a separate police officer unit at the District.

Disposition:  The Board affirmed the Office of the General Counsel’s dismissal finding that because the existing unit was a presumptively appropriate unit under Sweetwater and because SEIU alleged no facts establishing that its proposed unit was more appropriate, the unit modification petition was properly dismissed.

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Perc Vol: 41
Perc Index: 82

Decision Headnotes

1308.01000 – In General

PERB follows the same severance principles irrespective of whether the petitioning party is an incumbent union that already represents one or more bargaining units.