PDF Decision Search

The PERB Decision Index is organized by subject matter with each topic being assigned a topical number. For example, the topic “PERB: Operation, Jurisdiction, Authority; Operation of EERA, Dills (SEERA), HEERA – In General” is number 100.01000. For each Board decision, as well as a small number of important court decisions, brief summary statements (or headnotes) have been developed for each topic that the decision addressed.

The PERB Decision Search Engine allows searches of these headnotes in any of three ways: The user may simply browse the topic index and pull up all headnotes entered under a topic; or do a word search of the index; or do a word search of the headnotes themselves.

Each headnote identifies the decision it summarizes by the decision number. A number which has no preceding letter refers to the PERB Decision of that number. The preceding letter “A” refers to an administrative appeal decision; the letter “I” refers to an injunctive relief decision; the letter “J” refers to a judicial review decision; the letter “C” refers to a court decision; and the letter “M” refers to a court decision under MMBA. The letter following the decision number identifies the statute under which the case was decided, as follows:

  • “C” refers to the Trial Court Employment Protection and Governance Act
  • “E” refers to the Educational Employment Relations Act
  • “H” refers to the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act
  • “I” refers to the Trial Court Intrepreter Employment and Labor Relations Act
  • “M” refers to the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act
  • “S” refers to the Ralph C. Dills Act
    (formerly known as the State Employer-Employee Relations Act)
  • “T” refers to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Transit Employer-Employee Relations Act

The full citation (decision name, number and year decided) for each decision can be determined by accessing the numeric index of PERB decisions. The text of recent PERB decisions is also available, and work continues on making the text of all decisions available in the PERB Decision Search Engine. Word searches can be run against the text of those PERB decisions which have full text available on the web site.

Please note that PERB does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the index. For this reason, the PERB Decision Search Engine should be used as an aid in legal research only. The citations and holdings of the cases summarized herein should be checked for accuracy before they are used in legal documents.