PERB Invites Comment on Multiple Proposed Regulation Packages

PERB Invites Comment on Multiple Proposed Regulation Packages

The Board invites members of the public to comment on draft proposed regulations. Members of the public may comment orally during PERB’s regularly scheduled Board meeting of June 13, 2019, or in writing prior to or during the meeting.

Please send comments to the Board care of Kristina Gonzalez, Assistant to the Board. Please either send comments by email to, or have a hard copy delivered to Ms. Gonzalez’s attention at PERB’s Sacramento office. There is no need to provide comments via both email and hard copy. While it is also possible to bring written comments to the June 13th meeting, it would be extremely helpful to provide written comments in advance.

The Board will be considering the following proposed changes to regulations:

Exceptions Regulations: Draft proposed revisions to existing regulations governing parties’ exceptions to proposed decisions and responses thereto.

Recusal Regulation: Draft proposed revisions to existing regulations governing recusal of PERB personnel.

Regulations on Subpoenas, Motions, and Authority of Board Agents: Draft proposed revisions to existing regulations governing subpoenas, motions, and authority of Board agents.

Regulations on Filing Requirements: Draft proposed revisions to existing regulations governing filings. Such regulations, if approved, would not take effect until PERB’s new efiling system is operational.

SMCS Regulations: Draft proposed revisions to existing regulations governing the Division of State Mediation and Conciliation.