MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES; REGULATIONS – Regulations Considered (By Number)

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1503.02000 – Regulations Considered (By Number)

* * * VACATED IN PART ON OTHER GROUNDS by Fresno County Superior Court (2019) PERB Decision No. 2517a-C. * * *

PERB Regulation 32648 authorizes motions to amend the complaint made during the hearing and, absent a showing of undue prejudice, a timely amendment closely related to the allegations in a pending complaint should be allowed in order to serve the principles of economy and finality. However, PERB Regulation 32648 only governs proposed amendments to a complaint made “[d]uring [a] hearing.” Here, the Board reversed the ALJ’s ruling to grant a motion to amend the complaint to include a separate interference allegation closely related to the allegations of the initial charge, because the motion was not made until after the close of the hearing and was therefore not timely within the meaning of the Regulation. After the record has closed and briefs have been submitted, matters not included in the complaint may only be considered by meeting the stricter standard for consideration of unalleged violations. (pp. 12-13.)