MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES; EDUCATION CODE – Education Code Sections Considered by PERB (By Number)

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1500.02000 – Education Code Sections Considered by PERB (By Number)

Although the charge relied extensively on the Education Code and other matters outside PERB’s jurisdiction, because it alleged that a public school district employer had denied charging party retirement or other employment benefits to which she was legally entitled because of her protected activity, the matter constitutes an unfair practice allegation within PERB’s legislatively designated field of expertise. (p. 12.) The Office of the General Counsel correctly determined that while PERB has no authority to enforce or order remedies for violations of the Education Code, the Board and its agents may interpret the provisions of the Education Code or other matters of external law where necessary to administer EERA or to harmonize it with external law. (pp. 11-12.) To avoid acting in excess of its authority, PERB has an obligation to determine whether it has jurisdiction over a dispute, regardless of whether the parties themselves have raised the issue. (p. 11.)