REMEDIES FOR UNFAIR PRACTICES; INJUNCTIVE RELIEF – Standards for Obtaining Injunctive Relief

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1207.02000 – Standards for Obtaining Injunctive Relief

* * * OVERRULED IN PART by Fresno County In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (2015) PERB Decision No. 2418-M, where the Board held that the right to strike is statutorily protected. * * *

As strike caused a total breakdown of (1) basic education for students and (2) negotiations free from coercive tactics that hold hostage that education is a violation of EERA; p. 167. Board finds it is probable that a violation of the EERA has been committed; p. 169. Injunctive relief is just and proper because any remedy fashioned by PERB could not be considered adequate at law. Inherent interruption of continuity and quality of education that occurred because of the strike requires injunctive relief; p. 170.