REMEDIES FOR UNFAIR PRACTICES; INJUNCTIVE RELIEF – Standards for Obtaining Injunctive Relief

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1207.02000 – Standards for Obtaining Injunctive Relief

Compton Unified School District (1987) PERB Order IR-50 does not preclude Board from finding reasonable cause exists under either a different theory or different facts; pp. 8-9. Requirement of reasonable cause is more than mere finding of a prima facie violation; Board must determine that it is probable that a violation of EERA has been committed; p. 8. Reasonable cause found based on Board's holding that post-impasse intermittent strikes are both unprotected and unlawful under EERA; p. 10. Just and proper standard not satisfied based on district's declarations, which failed to include sufficient facts based on personal knowledge to demonstrate a total breakdown in either education or negotiations; pp. 14-15. education or negotiations; pp. 14-15.