All notes for Subtopic 1302.02000 – Effect on Bargaining Obligation

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
A058E San Mateo County Community College District
1302.02000: REPRESENTATION ISSUES; DECERTIFICATION; Effect on Bargaining Obligation
Decision of regional director to withdraw appointment of mediator and suspend mediation affirmed, where valid decertification petition filed 14 months after voluntary recognition of exclusive representative and parties had yet to agree on contract and had just been certified at impasse; withdrawal of appointment of mediator proper to preserve neutral election environment; pp. 5-6. more or view all topics or full text.
0390S State of California (Unit 12)
1302.02000: REPRESENTATION ISSUES; DECERTIFICATION; Effect on Bargaining Obligation
Board refused to stay decertification petition pending completion of AFL-CIO "no raiding" procedures based on the delay completion of such procedure would entail and the effect of the uncertainty on the negotiations then in progress. Board refused to establish a set policy on deferral to private resolution of disputes, finding a case by case approach preferable; pp. 3-4. more or view all topics or full text.