All notes for Subtopic 202.07000 – Challenge to Status as Employee Organization

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
1411S California State Employees Association (Hard and Hackett)
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
CSEA's claim that the Board has previously found the Caucus for a Democratic Union (CDU) to be an employee organization within the meaning of the Dills Act is unsupported by case law. The cases support a finding that CDU constitutes a political faction within CSEA, and not a separate employee organization. Findings by DPA are not inconsistent with the Board's conclusion; pp. 18-21. more or view all topics or full text.
1399S State Employees Caucus for a Democratic Union (California State Employees Association, et al.)
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
The Dills Act only defines unlawful actions by the state and employee organizations, and not by an individual state employee. Charging Parties filed the instant charge against CDU and certain named individual state employees. To the extent the charge was filed against members of CDU as individuals, the charge was dismissed; pp. 6-7, warning letter. The central focus in the definition of employee organization is whether the group in question exists for the purpose of furthering the interests of employees by dealing with the employer on a matter of employer-employee relations; p. 7, warning letter. more or view all topics or full text.
A295E Oakland Unified School District and California School Employees Association and Oakland Child Development Paraprofessional Association
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
Statement that group wishes to represent employees in the District as their "sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative for all matters relating to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment" is sufficient under PERB case law to establish the group as an employee organization; p. 2, admin. determination. more or view all topics or full text.
A187E Jamestown Elementary School District
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
Group which has evinced a central purpose of representation of employees on employment-related matters is an employee organization, despite allegations that its internal structure limits members' right to participate. Admin. Deter., p. 2, Order to Show Cause (OTSC) pp. 2-6. more or view all topics or full text.
A085S State Employer-Employee Relations Act - California Federation of Union of American Physicians and Dentists
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
Where employer files challenge to status of employee organization, Board directs Chief Administrative Law Judge to assign member of his staff to conduct expedited hearing on this matter; upon completion of the hearing, record to be forwarded to the Board itself for disposition. more or view all topics or full text.
0023E San Francisco Unified School District
202.07000: PARTIES; DEFINITIONS; EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS; Challenge to Status as Employee Organization
Group with members in proposed unit which filed an intervention seeking to represent these employees is enough evidence to employee organization status. more or view all topics or full text.