Decision 2477M – County of Madera


Decision Date: March 29, 2016

Decision Type: PERB Decision

Description: The complaint alleged that the County violated the MMBA when it unilaterally changed policy by implementing furloughs; and when it bypassed, derogated and undermined SEIU’s authority by sending two memoranda regarding furloughs to bargaining unit employees.

Disposition: The ALJ concluded the County had engaged in some, but not all, of the unfair practices as alleged. After exceptions were filed, the parties settled their dispute and requested withdrawal.  The Board granted the request and dismissed the unfair practice complaint and underlying charge with prejudice.

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Perc Vol: 40
Perc Index: 157

Decision Headnotes

1107.15000 – Withdrawal of Appeal; Request that Decision be Vacated

Joint request to withdraw the matter following execution of a tentative agreement resolving the underlying issues in dispute and pursuant to a settlement and release agreement was in the best interests of the parties and consistent with the purposes of the MMBA; with withdrawal of the matter, exceptions and cross exceptions and requests for oral argument were deemed withdrawn, proposed decision was vacated and the complaint and underlying unfair practice charge were dismissed with prejudice.