Decision 2807M – County of Solano


Decision Date: February 8, 2022

Decision Type: PERB Decision (Non-Precedential)

Description: Tennison filed an unfair practice charge alleging that the County of Solano, while implementing a departmental reorganization, denied her a preferable assignment, and thereby retaliated against her for activities protected under the MMBA. Following a formal hearing, the ALJ dismissed the complaint and underlying unfair practice charge. The ALJ concluded that Tennison failed to establish a prima facie case and that, in any event, the County established its affirmative defense that it would have taken the same action even if Tennison had not engaged in protected activity. Tennison filed timely exceptions.

Disposition: In a non-precedential decision, the Board affirmed the proposed decision.

Perc Vol: 46
Perc Index: 119

Decision Headnotes

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