Conflict Resolution for the Workplace

Conflict Resolution for the Workplace (CRW) as referenced in PERB regulation Subchapter 9, Article 1.

Section 32998 provides a voluntary, confidential, collaborative problem-solving process where individual parties have an opportunity to discuss their issues in a neutral environment and generate mutually satisfying agreements. This program differs from our core mediation services that typically involve disputes between public agencies and employee organizations. The CRW mediation process will assist parties in finding their own solutions to resolve conflict.

Mediations conducted pursuant to the CRW program shall be subject to mediation confidentiality as provided in California Evidence Code sections 703.5 and 1115 –1128 et. seq.

The current hourly rate for CRW mediation services is $115.00. This service is provided on an as-needed and fee-for-service basis. A state contract with the Public Employment Relations Board is required prior to the start of services.

If you are interested in this service please contact