All notes for Subtopic 1000.02045 – Evaluations

DecisionDescriptionPERC Vol.PERC IndexDate
1713E East Side Union High School District
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
A public complaint form that may be placed in the employee's personnel file is a procedure for the evaluation of certificated employees, an enumerated subject under section 3543.2(a). (adopting proposed decision at p. 13.) more or view all topics or full text.
2615M County of Kern
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
Performance targets and performance evaluation scoring rubrics relate to employee performance standards and workload and are therefore within the scope of representation. (pp. 9-10.) more or view all topics or full text.
2599E San Bernardino Community College District
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
GPS surveillance of employees is within the scope of representation, as it is a type of information that may be utilized in evaluating and disciplining employees. more or view all topics or full text.
2518E Los Angeles Unified School District
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
The Board’s precedents have broadly and liberally construed the duty to bargain over evaluation procedures, and have explicitly held that “procedures” under EERA section 3543.2(a) encompass evaluation criteria. The requirements of the Stull Act (Education Code section 44660 et seq.) do not remove evaluation criteria from the scope of representation. more or view all topics or full text.
2494M City of Davis
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
A performance improvement plan touches on two negotiable subjects—procedures for evaluation and disciplinary procedures. PERB has determined that both are within the scope of representation. Where employer introduces a performance improvement plan as a new disciplinary instrument or procedure, it must first negotiate with exclusive representative because a performance improvement plan threatens potential discipline and represents a change in the evaluation procedure, both matters within the scope of representation. more or view all topics or full text.
2313E Rio Hondo Community College District
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
An employer decision to install security surveillance cameras in areas where employees work or take breaks has reasonably foreseeable effects on discipline and performance evaluations, both matters within the scope of representation. Such effects include, without limitation, disciplining and/or evaluating employees in reliance upon employee conduct observed or recorded by use of the surveillance cameras. Using surveillance cameras to monitor employees is of concern to employees and management, and may lead to disagreements over whether and how to use the video records of employee observations in evaluations or disciplinary proceedings. more or view all topics or full text.
1967S State of California (Department of Corrections)
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
The State did not have a duty to negotiate about the decision to implement a new review process even though the decision impacted wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. When the right of the State to manage its operations and achieve its mission by providing constitutionally required health care for inmates in the California prison system is balanced against the benefits to be achieved under the duty to bargain the decision with the union, the balance tipped in favor of the State. more or view all topics or full text.
1635H Trustees of the California State University (San Marcos)
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
Merit systems and procedures for conducting employee evaluations are matters within the scope of representation. more or view all topics or full text.
0798E Compton Community College District
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
Student grievance policy, which requires placement of material in employee's personnel file, negotiable on ground that it is a procedure for the evaluation of certificated employees and, thus, an enumerated subject of bargaining; pp. 3-4; pp. 24-25, proposed dec. more or view all topics or full text.
0347E Modesto City Schools
1000.02045: SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION; Evaluations
Teachers' evaluations are within scope of representation. more or view all topics or full text.